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Premium Plan

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Brand Builder 360 Premium Plan Includes:

  • Everything in BASIC Plus:

  • Full Systems Migration

  • Lead Page Design & Build

  • Funnel Design & Build

  • Product Launch Sequence

  • Email Marketing Automation

  • SMS Text Automation

  • Monthly Edits & Updates

  • Monthly Strategy Consultation

  • 5 Users

  • Unlimited Contacts

  • Unlimited Email Sending*


Content AI, Workflow AI, Business Phone & Texting, and WhatsApp are optional use features and have additional fees associated with them and are usage based. These are optional brand Builder 360 features. The usage cost of these features are charged against credits that are recharged as you hit a minimum you control.


No monthly fee. This is only charged based on your usage. The cost is $0.90 for 1000 words. To get started, each account receives 500 free words.


 Monthly fee and usage cost. There is a one-time registration fee that costs between $15-20 to ensure you are a trusted business for texting. The phone line is $6 monthly plus your usage. Text messages cost $0.0375 to send and $0.0395 to receive messages. Phone calls cost $0.065 per minute to make calls and $0.0425 per minute to receive calls.


Only applies to the BASIC plan. 300 emails sent per month is included in your subscription. Starting with your 301 email sent, you will be charged $0.003 per email sent. This refreshes each month.

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